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Jyuyojiko Setsumeisho Sample for a Single-Fa...

The first very first line is the title of the document: Important Points Explanation (Land/Building). ​The second l ...
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”Juyojiko Setsumeisho” (Important Points Exp...

”Juyo Jiko Setsumeisho” (Important Points Explanation) What is “Juyo Jiko Setsumeisho” (Important Point ...
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Buying a House: the Budget 3

Buying a House: the Budget 3 Mak1ing a larger down payment The larger your down payment is, the less you will borro ...
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Buying a House: the Budget 2

Buying a House: the Budget 2 Estimate the amount of the loan based on the amount you can afford to repay. Consider ...
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Buying a House: the Budget 1

Buying a House: the Budget Basic ideas of purchase costs It is important to set an approximate budget before you be ...
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Buying a House: the Living Environment

Buying a House: the Living Environment Gather information on the Internet, and also visit the site to check it out ...
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Buying a House: the Real Estate Information...

Market Prices: the Real Estate Information Network System (REINS) The Real Estate Information Network System: REINS ...
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Buying a House: Market Prices

Buying a House: Market Prices Research real estate pricing and market information. Before consulting a real estate ...
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Buying a House: Housing Prices

Buying a House: Housing Prices When buying a house, the price is one of the major determining factors. Since real e ...
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Buying a House: Building Lots and Buildings ...

Buying a House: Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business P ...
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